More repairs.
Lower costs for new purchases.
Repairing means sustainability.
We make your instruments ready to be used again: You can have your surgical instruments easily and reliably repaired at Medworx. If a repair should not be possible any longer, we take care of replacing the instrument.
Repair of surgical instruments.
Lower procurement costs and significant budget relief. Less documentation effort for the CSSD. High sustainability through conservation of resources. These are just some of the effects of keeping your surgical instruments functional with Medworx instrument repair services. Why buy new when existing instruments can be easily repaired?
Preserve value. Relieve budgets. Gain freedom of action.
Regardless of the condition of a surgical instrument, it is always worth consulting a Medworx instrument repair expert. With expertise independent of manufacturers – because we prioritise the repair and not the sale – we check whether and how we can make a dull, warped, loose, dented, leaking, or otherwise broken instrument functional again. Then we repair it in our master craftsperson’s workshop. The repair is quality tested and machined by master craftspeople in accordance with standards combining high-tech laser technology with precision craftsmanship. The fact that we are independent of manufacturers gives you the freedom to decide and act as to when to buy a new instrument, when to repair it, and how to deal with your economic and ecological resources.
Traditional craftsmanship. State-of-the-art technology.
Professional repair for high patient safety and low costs.
Medworx provides repair services for surgical instruments of all types and from all manufacturers. This saves you time and money, increases your freedom of action, and contributes to the safety of patients. In our specialised centres managed by master craftspeople (“Meister”), more than 100 master craftspeople, surgical mechanics, precision mechanics, and experienced professionals in traditional crafts repair surgical instruments of all units of hospitals, outpatient surgical centres, community health centres, practice clinics, and medical practices which carry out surgical and invasive procedures.
We repair both your surgical instruments and all medical instruments of all disciplines by hand. We use our amino passivation process for processing. This is an anti-alkaline surface treatment. For instruments in ophthalmic surgery, ENT, or neurosurgery, we have a specially equipped workshop area for all challenges.

Our Medworx repair services are for
- Standard surgical instruments
- Minimally invasive surgical instruments (MIS)
- AO power systems and accessories
- Rigid endoscopes/scopes
- Urological instruments
- High frequency (HF) surgery
- Sterilisation containers
- Metal universe and other metal parts
Our Medworx repair services are for
- General and abdominal surgery
- Neurosurgery
- ENT (ear, nose, and throat)
- Vascular surgery
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Heart (cardiac) and thoracic surgery
- Trauma surgery, accident surgery
- Orthopaedics
- Gastroenterology
- Pulmonology
- Gynaecology
- Ophthalmology
- Urology
- Dermatology
- Pathology
In our Standard Instrument Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair all common standard instruments from all major manufacturers for the units with surgical and invasive procedures in all hospitals, outpatient surgical centres, community health centres, practice clinics, and medical practices.
We repair using masterful craftsmanship and the highest precision.
- Standard surgical and medical scissors
- Knives and all other cutting instruments
- Needle holders, clamps, wound retractors, retractors, forceps
- Holding and blocking instruments
- Hammers and chisels
- Osteotomes, hollow chisel pliers, and grasping pliers
- Rongeurs and swages
- Specula and irrigation systems
- Neurosurgical rongeurs, swages, grasping forceps, and microinstruments
- ENT ear speculums and microinstruments
- Special vascular scissors, atraumatic instruments, micro bulldog clamps
- Rib retractors for thorax and cardiac surgery, atraumatic instruments, aortal instruments, microscissors and micro needle holders
- Chisels for trauma and orthopaedic surgery, screwdrivers, impactors, bone levers, instruments for implantology, instruments for vertebrae
- Opththalmic eyelid retractors, irrigation systems and instruments, micro scissors and micro forceps
- Instruments for urologic endoscopy, Albarran instruments, electrode transporters, suction and irrigation and tube shafts, flexible grasping forceps and grasping scissors
The standard-compliant labelling of the repaired instruments is carried out by electrolytic or laser-supported methods.
All instruments we repair receive a glare-free surface through matting or brushing as well as coating processes with titanium or tungsten carbide and diamond coating.
In our MIS Instruments Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair all common minimally invasive surgical instruments, accessories, and rigid endoscopy instruments. Especially in the case of repairs in this area, you will benefit from the experience we have gained from repairing instruments from a wide range of manufacturers. Our repair techniques are at the state of the art and oriented to quality owing to our modern and powerful industrial lasers. In this system, we can combine various materials, guaranteeing maximum functionality as a result of the repair. In the case of current-carrying instruments, we always carry out a safety check during the repair.
We repair your:
- Trocars
- Inserts for grasping forceps
- Inserts for scissors
- Clip setters
- Outer sheathes
- Suction and irrigation systems
- Placement forceps
- Obturators
- Hand grips, handles
- Cannulas
- Electrodes
- Multi-functional valves
- Needle holders
We renew damaged insulation coatings and mark the instruments in accordance with standards.
In our Urological Instruments Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair all common urologic surgical instruments from all major manufacturers. The staff of the centre are specialised in repairing these types of instruments.
We repair with high-quality certified materials and spare parts for you:
- Uroendoscopic instruments
- Albarran instruments
- Electrode conveyors
- Flexible grasping forceps and grasping scissors
- Suction, irrigation, and tube shafts
All our urological instruments are subjected to specialised quality control and receive appropriate labelling.
In our Scopes Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair all common rigid endoscopes from all major manufacturers. If your original endoscope is repairable, you will receive it back having been repaired by us. It will have all features of traceability. This will occur without exchange for other scopes from pools. However, if the scope is no longer repairable, we will ensure your supply with a replacement instrument from us or through our cooperation partners.
We repair the following instruments for you with high-quality certified materials and spare parts:
- Arthroscopes
- Laparascopes
- Hysteroscopes
- Cystoscopes
- Resectoscopes
- Needle scopes
- Ureteroscopes
- Nephroscopes
- Scopes for wrist surgery
- Fibre-optic light guides
After repair, all scopes are subjected to a detailed quality control by a calibrated electronic physical measuring system. During the process, we ensure that the functionalities after the repair correspond to the corresponding parameters and that your scope is fully operational. Test protocols are drawn up for all quality controls; we make them available to you on an ongoing basis on request. In addition, all scopes receive standard-compliant labelling.
The Scopes Centre is also responsible for the repair, testing, and measurement of optical cables.
In our HF Surgery Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair all common mono- and bipolar tweezers as well as mono- and bipolar scissors of all manufacturers in the field of high-frequency surgery for you.
In addition, we repair cables and accessories and ensure the appropriate exchange and replacement deliveries through cooperations.
In our AO Power Systems Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair compressed air, electronic, and battery-operated systems from all manufacturers. Our repair spectrum for AO power systems ranges from the high-speed field of neurosurgery to standard drilling systems in trauma surgery and orthopedics across all types of power systems. Our large spare parts warehouse enables us to repair not only modern systems, but also power systems that have become discontinued models in the course of generation changes at manufacturers.
Power systems have a long service life at considerable acquisition costs, yet a high load on materials and the need for regular maintenance and repair to preserve value. We are specialised in this field; therefore, we have concluded contracts with numerous manufacturers for you, which enable you to use the alternative of the manufacturer’s service in accordance with your objectives and decisions.
High-precision repair services for your power systems
- Drills
- Micro motors
- Saws
- Shaver motors
- Dermatomes
- Craniotomes
- Mucotomes
- Angular gears
- Trepan motors
- And many more
In addition to repairing your power systems, we also offer you complementary repair services for your accessories. Especially when it comes to the accessories of power systems, repair instead of a new purchase creates economic and ecological reserves, since the attachment is removed and purchased new faster than the entire system.
High-precision repair services for your accessories
- All types of attachments, such as drilling and saw attachments
- All types of handpieces, such as angle drilling handpieces, cryo handpieces, ultrasonic handpieces, etc.
- All types of compressed air hoses
We implement all standard maintenance services, safety controls, and checks of torque limiters for you.
Functional sterile supply containers are a basic prerequisite for the safe execution of operations in accordance with hygienic requirements and the success of CSSD reprocessing. After all, everything in everyday surgery hinges on sterile instruments. But even sterile supply containers are not maintenance-free; they also require regular repair. In our Sterile Goods Container Centre, managed by master craftspeople, we repair several thousand containers of all kinds and from all manufacturers every year. Our experienced and specialised employees will reliably service your container trays and container lids.
The processing of the surfaces is part of our regular repair process. In the case of a complete refurbishment, we renew all seals and test the tightness and thus the functionality of the sterile container during the subsequent quality control.
All our sterile supply containers are marked in accordance with standards.
In our new Universe of Metal Centre, we repair all articles that are repairable under sustainability aspects as well as taking into account the transport conditions and costs and, according to your objectives, should not yet be sent for disposal and new procurement. Trolleys, clamps, handles, support and storage systems, all supporting systems, and everything made of metal are subject to high stress and are usually procured new when damaged. With Medworx, you can reduce the number of these new purchases. We repair systems from all manufacturers in our Universe of Metal Centre.
We repair for you, among other things:
- Storage systems for head, arm, and leg supports
- Storage systems for body, shoulder, and side supports
- Safety barriers
- Fastening brackets, clamps
- Holders for drip trays, instrument trays, rollers, tubes, anesthetic bars, infusion stands
- Grips, handles
- Tensioning, securing, and retaining systems from all manufacturers
- Surgical table accessories, operating table accessories
- Extenders, extension systems
- Transport trollies
- Laundry and waste receptacles
- Shelves and shelving units
Contact us – we will provide you with custom cost estimates and quotations according to your needs.
In our Labelling Centre, managed by master craftspeople, instruments receive standardised labelling with relevant information for product identification using electrolytic or laser-supported processes in order to ensure process reliability and traceability. During the process, we pay attention to the content, legibility, positioning, and medium of the labelling of the respective instrument so that the information provided by users is legible and understandable.
The labelling includes all designations on the instruments before the repair, such as manufacturer, CE mark, alphanumeric item number, UDI code, data matrix code, barcode, serial number, lot number, notified body, and hospital-specific information, and is supplemented by our Medworx logo in connection with the repair date. We also offer the option of labelling sterile goods containers for numbered sterile goods container management, labelling tray markers for the clear identification of trays, and implementation of hospital-specific markings, such as colour coding or colour applications, which are used for size marking or departmental reference.
With our equipment, we create markings and labels that meet the legal requirements for durability during the expected service life for reusable instruments. Because of its high resolution, the label remains optimally legible even after reprocessing has been carried out; the labelling is particularly suitable for UDI product identifiers and data maxtrix codes of different sizes.
Contact us – we would be pleased to advise you and provide you with solutions that meet your needs.